If you've landed here from Google or the like, this may not be the post you want. Please start reading Ingham County Jail Tales from the very beginning.
This post publishes for you the official guide for inmates at the Ingham County Jail. The words are what the ICJ publishes in a brochure handed to each inmate upon incarceration. (Well, actually, the Jail often fails to give a new inmate a printed copy of their Guide upon incarceration, but who's counting?)
Since the ICJ refuses to publish their Inmate Guide in paper or online, I'm providing it here. Note that in addition I've tried to provide other important information that the Guide fails to offer. If elsewhere on this blog I've gotten anything wrong. or omitted something you need to know, please tell me. If the ICJ has failed to provide information you seek, let the SHeriff's office know.
This guide is available from the following link: