sal·ly port (plural sal·ly ports)
noun Definition: opening in fort to sally from: an opening in a fortification from which the defenders can make sallies
The sally port is the slot in the door to your cell through which you will get food. And the sally porter is the ICJ worker who will deliver the food to you. Actually in many dorms the guard will open the door and hold it open until every inmate can take his tray. The sally port worker is also responsible for the general condition of each dorm; he brings you the mop, bucket and cleaning supplies twice a day.
You will be fed according to this schedule: breakfast at 6:00 a.m., lunch at about 10:30 a.m., and dinner at 5:00 p.m. or so. Yes, this is the schedule your grandparents follow. It also seems to work with the 12 hour shifts the guards follow.
Who prepares the food? It's also trustees, that is to say, inmates assigned to kitchen duty. They have to prepare 700 or more meals every morning, noon, and night.
The meals are delivered on trays with built-in partitions for food. The tray is your plates. The food consists of: meat or protein item; potato, rice, or starch item; additional vegetable item, maybe spinach; dessert item, maybe canned fruit or maybe sugar cookies; driink -- either milk or a grape drink that is sugar water, with no nutritional value shown on the label.
In order to be fed, you'll line up at the dorm door and the sally port hands each inmate his meal in turn. The trays can be sloppy, as liquid splashes under your tray from the one stacked beneath. You are not given a napkin, so you'll either use toilet paper or your uniform to soak it up.
When I was an inmate at the Ingham County Jail, I made it a point to always thank the sally porter for delivering my meal. Oddly, I don't think most of them noticed or cared. They were too busy working to even realize someone was thanking them.
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