Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Let's face it: if you're in jail, you're not hanging out with the best people our society coughs up. Some of these guys have short tempers.  When they're playing the card game Hearts, someone may get really pissed off at his partner, and a fight -- or the threat of a fight -- flashes before you.

If a fight occurs, sometimes it takes place in the common area, and sometimes they take it inside a dorm room.

After the fight, if you show visible wounds, a guard will ask you what happened.  It seems to be unwritten code that if you say you fell into a door, the question is dropped, no matter how ridiculous that story is.

Time off for good behavior is a powerful incentive against fights.  You could lose your accumulated time off -- and when you're in jail, you count every minute until your release.  Therefore many times the potential combatants mouth off about 

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